Arrison Technology Limited is a Hong Kong based company established in 1993. It has been engaged in the business of database application development, network system integration in Hong Kong.
Currently Arrison is located in Hong Kong with computer professionals who are able to serve our customers on system design, planning and implementation.
Our major customers are manufacturers, trading and retail companies. Our knowledgeable staff can ensure our customers enjoy reliable support and flawless implementation of a total solution system.
We also provide cloud base solution using latest technology and Platform
雅盛科技有限公司於一九九三年成立,是以香港為基地的公司。從成立至今, 本公司一直致力於信息技術的應用研發事業,主要業務包括資料庫應用軟件開發、 企業電子商務網站的建構及維護電腦硬件。
公司現有技術專家駐留香港,他們積累了豐富的經驗,可根據客戶的系統要求, 完成各種應用的開發。本公司的總辦事處位於香港,在深圳亦設立辦事處。 我們的主要客戶包括生產商、貿易及貨運公司。